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Show the Introw Copilot card inside Hubspot
Show the Introw Copilot card inside Hubspot

How to show the Introw Copilot on your Hubspot deals and companies

Wouter Moyaert avatar
Written by Wouter Moyaert
Updated over a week ago

You will be able to access the Introw Copilot card from inside of your HubSpot Deals and Companies
This card is the command center for deal collaboration with your partners.

How to show the Introw Copilot on your Hubspot deals.

How to show the Introw Copilot on your Hubspot companies.

You can customize where the Introw Copilot card is on the right-side column so that it is easier to reference the next time you open that Deal or Company.

From your HubSpot settings, select the object you’re using (Deals in this example) and from the Record Customization tab, select Customize the right sidebar

Select the default view and adjust the position of the Introw Copilot card.

Be sure to hit Save!

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